8 Summer Flowers You Should Grow for a Colorful Garden

Delightful Daylily

The sunny gold Stella d'Oro daylily features trumpet-shaped yellow flowers all season. It thrives in hot, dry conditions, creating a striking combination with blue ornamental onion.

'Immortality' Reblooming Iris

This tall bearded iris showcases snowy-white ruffled blooms in spring and fall. It's easy to grow, with flowers on 30-inch stems above swordlike foliage.

Luscious Reblooming Lilac

Bloomerang lilac offers a fragrant display in spring and again from midsummer to fall. This compact variety grows 4 to 5 feet tall and wide, with lavender-purple flowers ideal for cutting.

Heavenly Hydrangea

Endless Summer hydrangeas bloom several times each summer on new growth. Perfect for cold climates, ensuring a continuous floral display despite winter damage.

Reliable Repeat-Blooming Rose

Knock Out roses are easy to grow, disease-resistant, and bloom almost continuously through summer. Varieties include Pink Double Knock Out and more.

Climb New Heights with Clematis

Jackmanii clematis features royal purple petals that cover the plant in early summer. It blooms sporadically for the rest of the growing season.

Deep Purple Delight

May Night perennial salvia produces deep purple spires in late spring. Cutting off fading flowers encourages a second bloom later in summer.

Bountiful Blooming Bleeding Heart

Fringed bleeding heart is ideal for semi-shady small gardens, blooming all summer. It slows during the hottest days but resumes blooming in autumn.