Pangolins, often called 'scaly anteaters,' are unique creatures resembling armored anteaters but are closely related to dogs, cats, and seals. Despite their odd appearance, they're endearing, known for curling up when threatened.
Madagascar hosts unique wildlife, like the eerie aye-aye with its bulging eyes and long fingers. Only found in Madagascar's jungles, they forage at night.
Capybaras, largest rodents in Latin America, live near water in big groups. Surprisingly fast, they can run like horses and stay underwater for 5 mins.
Armadillo Girdled Lizard
Native to Northern and Western Cape provinces, this lizard resembles a tiny dragon. It curls up for protection, giving birth to live young, with females possibly feeding them.
Magnificent frigatebird
Unique birds from Galapagos, with 2.5m wingspans, soar up to 2,500m high. Dubbed 'man-o'-war' birds for aggressive tendencies. Males sport red sacs to woo mates.
Cat-like creatures, up to 4ft long, related to mongooses. Resemble cougars but eat lemurs. Madagascar's sole large lemur predator. Long body, small ears, short legs. Cute like pangolins.
Sloth (Latin America)
Sloths, known for slow movement, inhabit trees in Latin America. Their leaf diet and slow metabolism aid in evasion of sight-hunting predators. Ancestors were ground-dwellers, larger than modern elephants.
Velvet ants
Various breeds of wingless, hairy wasps, resembling ants, are called "panda ants" due to their black and white coloration. Known as "cow killers," their stings are notably painful.