9 Best Hypoallergenic Cats


Known for their triple coat, Siberian cats are often considered hypoallergenic due to their supposed low production of the Fel d 1 allergen. While scientific evidence is limited, their thick coats require minimal grooming, making them relatively low-maintenance pets.


Siamese cats are believed to be low-allergen breeds, although scientific evidence is lacking. Their short, sleek coats require minimal grooming and shed very little, making them suitable for individuals with mild cat allergies.


Bengal cats are known for their wild appearance and playful nature. While they produce the same amount of allergens as other breeds, their low-maintenance coat reduces the need for grooming. Bengal cats are affectionate and energetic companions

Russian Blue

With their plush, shimmering coat, Russian Blue cats are often considered suitable for individuals with mild cat allergies. Their low-shedding coat requires minimal grooming and they are known for their gentle and even-tempered demeanor.


Despite their "hairless" appearance, Sphynx cats have a fine, downy fuzz that requires regular bathing to minimize the presence of dander. While they produce dander like all cats, their low-shedding coat makes them a potential option for individuals with allergies.

Devon Rex

Devon Rex cats have a wavy coat that minimizes shedding and reduces the spread of allergens in the home. These outgoing and playful cats enjoy being involved in their owners' activities but may not be suitable for individuals who are frequently away from home.

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex cats have a short, wavy coat that sheds less than longhaired breeds, potentially reducing allergen exposure. These intelligent and active cats require attention and enjoy being the center of attention. Cornish Rex cats come in various colors

Javanese (Colorpoint Longhair)

Javanese cats are known for their Siamese-like appearance with long hair and a wider coat color range. Their fine, silky coat lacks an undercoat, reducing shedding and allergen spread. Javanese cats are intelligent, outgoing


Similar to Siamese cats in temperament, Balinese cats have long coats and may produce less of the Fel d 1 protein that causes allergies. Their affectionate and active nature, combined with minimal shedding and grooming requirements